adapt to a new lifeの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. And I am having to adapt to a new life style.
  2. A teenage girl tries to adapt to a new life in Beverly Hills,
  3. But most lack skills to help them adapt to a new life, the repot said.
  4. He is a player of many qualities, but he needs to work every day and adapt to a new life in Memphis.
  5. Formerly one of Fidel Castro's prize fighters, Casamayor has had to adapt to a new life and grow in many ways since his dominating amateur days, when he won 380 of 410 fights and the 1992 gold medal in Barcelona.


  1. "adapt herself to"の例文
  2. "adapt oneself to"の例文
  3. "adapt oneself to sth"の例文
  4. "adapt themselves to"の例文
  5. "adapt to"の例文
  6. "adapt to college life"の例文
  7. "adapt to new circumstances"の例文
  8. "adapt to new situations"の例文
  9. "adapt to the change"の例文
  10. "adapt to the new environment"の例文
  11. "adapt themselves to"の例文
  12. "adapt to"の例文
  13. "adapt to college life"の例文
  14. "adapt to new circumstances"の例文

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